注册会计师和. Accountant: Answering 5 Questions For Future Accounting Professionals

对于想要进入会计领域的专业人士, it’s common to wonder what the difference is between an accountant and a CPA. 虽然人们似乎可以互换使用这些术语, 这些专业人士之间有区别. 

This guide will help you differentiate between a CPA and an accountant, as well as answer pressing questions about how these designations impact an accountant’s career path.


注册会计师和会计师是不一样的. An accountant is typically a professional who has earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting. 一个注册会计师, 或注册会计师, is a professional who has earned their CPA license through a combination of education, 经历与考核.


  • 注册会计师由专业管理机构颁发执照.
  • CPAs have requirements for continuing education in order to maintain their license.
  • CPAs are held to specific professional standards and a code of ethics.
  • 注册会计师必须遵守受托人的标准, which means they must put their clients’ interests first above all else.

虽然所有的注册会计师都是会计师,但并非所有的会计师都是注册会计师. 事实上,根据来自 劳工统计局(BLS), 注册会计师执照资料,只有大约 美国50%的会计师都是注册会计师.

Both of these paths are viable long-term career options for aspiring accounting professionals. Let’s dive deeper into the differences so you can choose which path is right for you.

注册会计师和. 会计:他们有不同的职责吗?

而注册会计师和会计师执行类似的任务, 它们执行的功能有很多不同之处. 

会计有资格管理日常的财务活动. 这些职责包括:

  • 组织和记录财务交易, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, depreciation and journal entries, collections.
  • 协调账户 at the end of the month or year to ensure all accounts and financial transactions are consistent.
  • 分析财务报表 检查现金流量, 计算会计比率, make expense recommendations to help a business operate more efficiently.
  • 准备预算 为部门和公司控制运营成本提供帮助.


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While accountants are expected to perform all of these duties according to best practices and conduct themselves in an ethical way, 没有任何管理机构要求他们这样做. This professional oversight is one of the key differences between accountants and CPAs.

注册会计师是有执照的专业人士, which requires them to adhere to more stringent standards than unlicensed accountants. CPAs are expected to abide by the AICPA (Association of International Certified Professional Accountants) Professional Code of Conduct, 这包括客观地对待客户, integrity and truthfulness while remaining free of conflicts of interest.

CPAs must also perform continuing education on a yearly basis in order to maintain their knowledge of best-practice accounting standards.

Because of these high standards, CPAs are recognized by the government as experts in the field. 因此, CPAs are seen as better qualified to perform accounting functions and are allowed to execute duties that other accountants can’t, 包括:

  • 编制经审计的财务报表. This is required for reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 对所有上市公司的要求是什么. 
  • 作为国税局的代表. 注册会计师可以代表纳税人和公司进行审计. 会计师可以准备纳税申报表, only a CPA can defend a return if the IRS or state tax authorities have questions or concerns.
  • 进行公司审计. 而内部审计可能由会计师完成, external audits or auditing of public companies is always handled by a CPA.

注册会计师和. 会计:谁赚得更多?

由于高等教育和注册会计师证书的获得, 注册会计师比无证会计师有更高的收入预期. 

CPAs are required to complete at least 150 college credit hours to qualify for a CPA license, compared to the standard 120 credits required to earn a bachelor’s degree. 一些会计专业人士利用自己的收入 会计硕士学位 to earn these additional credits, further advancing their credentials in the eyes of employers.

成为注册会计师的严格要求是值得的, 因为他们的收入一直超过无证会计师.

注册会计师和. 会计:未来哪个职位需求更大?

The BLS projects that jobs for all accountants and auditors will grow by 7% by 2030. 根据 劳工统计局(BLS), 全球化, 不断增长的经济, a complex tax and regulatory environment are expected to continue to lead to strong demand for accountants and auditors.

基于EMSI的2021年mg不朽情缘试玩汇总数据, 有46个,626个招聘会计专业人员的招聘启事要求注册会计师. 另一方面, 有170人,607 jobs posted for accountants that only required a bachelor’s degree, 不是注册会计师.

注册会计师执照不会使你丧失从事任何会计工作的资格. Most often, it is seen as a benefit, even when it isn’t necessary for the job.

That means, whether you decide to earn your CPA or not, the future is bright for accountants.

注册会计师和. 会计:职业道路有何不同?

许多人认为会计是一个单向度的领域. However, there are diverse career paths within the accounting profession. 

注册会计师是唯一有资格在会计师事务所工作的人,为跨行业的多个客户提供服务. 这些客户可能是公司, 政府或个人, 这取决于会计师事务所的规模和类型. 

作为注册会计师, you have your choice of firms—from large international firms to small, 本地会计实务. CPAs also commonly work in government agencies or public companies required to disclose audited financial information. 

CPAs can also provide services in specialized areas of accounting, such as: 

  • 金融取证
  • 企业估值
  • 个人理财规划
  • IT咨询

Accountants who don’t earn their CPA typically work in the private accounting field. This means that they work for a single company or organization in its internal finance department. 最受会计师欢迎的行业包括金融业, 保险, 以及公司和企业的管理, 以及自主创业. 


  • 内部审计
  • 管理会计
  • 预算分析
  • 税务会计


Whether you’re interested in becoming an accountant or a licensed CPA, 第一步是获得会计学士学位.

mg不朽情缘游戏网址招收新学生 100%在线会计学士学位 旨在帮助在职成年人获得学位. Franklin’s accounting program teaches industry best-practice skills and the latest accounting technology to help students stand out in a competitive market. 课程也将帮助你准备严格的注册会计师考试.

如果你已经有学士学位, Franklin’s 会计硕士学位 can help you reach the required 150 credit hours to sit for the CPA exam. A master’s degree will also add another valuable credential to your résumé that can help you stand out in the marketplace.

探索 mg不朽情缘试玩的米.S. 会计学位 to see how it can help put you on the fast-track path to a CPA license.

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